Monthly Archives: August 2018

Later retirement

Workers extend their careers for a multitude of reasons

When do you plan to retire? Saving for your retirement is a lifelong undertaking – and if you want to enjoy a comfortable retirement, you can’t start planning soon enough. The more you contribute to a pension now, the better chance you’ll have of that money growing and funding your retirement in later life.

Seize the day – today

Make your vision a reality

Exactly how much you’ll need for a comfortable retirement will depend largely on your cost of living and lifestyle choices. For many people, retirement is about sun-soaked holidays, leisurely rounds of golf and that boat they’ve always coveted.

Cash may not be king

Pension savers risk a significant tax bill

For most people over the age of 55, it is now possible to cash in or unlock all of your pension. How you take these benefits will depend on the type of scheme you have and how you want to take benefits. But concerns have been raised that some savers may risk running out of cash if they siphon too much out of their pension pots.

Financial protection

Families left in a precarious situation if the unforeseen were to happen

We all intend that our plans will come good. But making sure that you and your family can cope if you fall ill or die prematurely is something we can too easily put to one side. In particular, a recent study identified that financial protection is something that millions of fathers in the UK, and their families, could benefit from.

Should I stay or should I go now?

Key aspects that influence retirement decisions

Whatever you want to do when you retire, the better prepared you are, the more rewarding it will be. It’s important to assess the key aspects that will influence your retirement, as the decisions you make can have a real impact on your savings. There are some important considerations to think about.

Looking to the future

Taking the steps now to prepare yourself for retirement

With increasing numbers of people working past traditional retirement ages[1], stopping work can seem a long way off, especially for younger people. But it’s the dream of an early retirement that keeps many people going through the daily work grind.

Positive outcomes

Impact investing without sacrificing returns or profits

For those looking to make the world a better place, but not wanting to sacrifice returns or profits, impact investing aims to support a positive social or environmental impact as well as looking to achieve compelling financial returns at the heart of sustainable investing.

Getting finances in order

Financial worries don’t just affect our waking hours

Financial fears are creeping into sleeping hours, as new research shows money worries are a top cause of nightmares[1]. Our dreams are how we naturally make sense of all the information and experiences that we unconsciously absorb every day.

Pensions shake-up

Getting away from the stresses of everyday life

For many, the idea of retirement means getting away from the stresses of everyday life. But with living costs rising and interest rates low, people need to think about how to generate extra income from their savings in retirement.


Falling foul of the minimum earnings threshold

The rules around pensions are continuously changing. To make the most of your retirement, it’s essential to receive regular professional financial advice on how to build up and invest your pension effectively.